PISEAGRAMA is an open-access, non-profit publishing platform based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Our mission is to catalyze urgent ideas, build bridges across different fields of knowledge, and bring people together to imagine possible futures in alliance with LGBTQIA+, Afro-Brazilian, indigenous, peasant, and urban resistance collectives. As well as a thematic magazine published both physically and digitally, PISEAGRAMA also curates and organizes exhibitions, workshops, lectures, public campaigns, books and more.
PISEAGRAMA is edited by Felipe Carnevalli, Fernanda Regaldo, Paula Lobato, Renata Marquez, and Wellington Cançado.
Here you will find some of the articles published in the magazine. They were either translated or originally written in English.
In english
Kunhã py’a guasu
Text by Sandra Benites
Tehêy Sol, Vento, Chuva, Lua, from the serie of drawings by Liça Pataxoop
Text by Isael Maxakali and Sueli Maxakali
Mapas, drawings by Donizete Maxakali, Totó Maxakali and Zé Antoninho Maxakali
To pray and to fight
Text by Tonico Benites
Hitupmã’ax, paintings by Sueli Maxakali and Isael Maxakali
Guarani vegetable language
Text by Izaque João
Palavras mordidas, drawings of conversations with saúva ants by Ana Flávia Marú
The kingdom walks the streets
Text by Isabel Casimira Gasparino, in conversation with Júnia Torres
Beleza ancestral, paintings by Larissa de Souza
Planting in the trail of rain
Text by Heleno Bento de Oliveira
Plantas e ervas medicinais, serie of drawings organized by Ana Carvalho, by women and children from Zona da Mata Norte in Pernambuco: Carmelita Maria da Silva, Helena Tenderini, Ivaneide Maria Ribeiro, Juno Embaubas, Luiza Cavalcante, Malaika Oniilari Tenderini, Maria José da Silva, Nzinga Cavalcante and Vanuze Carmelita da Silva