PISEAGRAMA is an open-access, non-profit publishing platform based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Our mission is to catalyze urgent ideas, build bridges across different fields of knowledge, and bring people together to imagine possible futures in alliance with LGBTQIA+, Afro-Brazilian, indigenous, peasant, and urban resistance collectives. As well as a thematic magazine published both physically and digitally, PISEAGRAMA also curates and organizes exhibitions, workshops, lectures, public campaigns, books and more.
PISEAGRAMA is edited by Felipe Carnevalli, Fernanda Regaldo, Paula Lobato, Renata Marquez, and Wellington Cançado.
Here you will find some of the articles published in the magazine. They were either translated or originally written in English.
In english
Listening-writings (and vice versa)
Invasão, drawing by Jaime Lauriano
Becoming Savage
Text by Jerá Guarani
My feminine lineage of environmental struggle, drawings by Carolina Caycedo
Taming chalk
Text by Célia Xakriabá
Translated by Brena O’Dwyer
O agro não é pop, paintings by Denilson Baniwa
Sodomite ancestry.
Travesti spirituality
Text by Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro
No antiquário eu negociei o tempo, photographic serie by Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro
Text by Carlinhos dos Santos, Canavieiras Resex
Selva papelão (Amazônia), painting by Julia Debasse